About Therapy

2014667963Therapy is about change for the better.

Change – This word evokes so many emotions. It is the one thing that’s guaranteed in life, yet most people are afraid of it.

Change can be positive and often is. Accepting and moving forward with change is generally life changing. It can lead to growth, learning, and forging a new path.

Sometimes, change happens when it is least expected. Job loss, severed relationships, and life-changing diagnoses are great examples of change that we all might face at some time in our lives.

Regardless of how much we plan for it, the unexpected still occurs, making you feel shocked, numb, and unsure how to put one foot in front of the other.

There is a breaking point for everyone.

Sometimes, you start sensing something is off.

Life has thrown one too many curveballs.

Perhaps you are at a stage where you feel alone and unsure of where to go.

Now imagine what life can look like.

Imagine living in a world where there is a magic wand you can wave life into balanced harmony. Yes, BALANCED HARMONY.

This is where balance and harmony have created a path of the least resistance.

Here is where you can forge a path where it is ILLEGAL to live in fear, low self-esteem, shame, guilt, negative thoughts and behaviors, anxiety, and depression.

2453928183Here, you will gain complete and total acceptance.

You can let go of the things that no longer serve you and that are beyond your control.

In this space, you will be accepted for who you are. There will be no “wrong” feelings or thoughts and no judgment. You are loved for who you are.

Start leaning into those gifts and loving yourself – right where you are.

This is your time for a fresh start and a new year. In this space, you can find answers to the questions, “What does that look like? Who would I become?”

Life’s events bring about change.

Begin unlearning what you thought you had to be, who you are, or where you should go.

Release the thoughts and behaviors that kept you safe for so long. You were never taught anything different.

Rewrite the programming in your brain.

Recognize that you are okay just as you are. Believe and trust in yourself. You are your most intimate relationship.

You no longer must do this alone.

As a therapist, I will help you step into your best life, one that is full of meaning, enjoyment, and fond memories.

I care about you. I will walk alongside you, and you will feel supported and peaceful.

Call for a free 30-minute consultation.

About Me

About SonjaChange is something I know well.

After putting my pal of 12+ years down, I wasn’t sure if I could go on without him. I grieved the loss of my best friend for some time before I could move on.

Growing up wasn’t easy, and life was full of poverty, homelessness, and overcoming addiction. Although I dropped out of school, I was the first in my family to get a master’s degree. Success and learning taught me many lessons that weren’t meant to be.

I have experienced being crushed, redeemed, hired, fired, loved, and set free, to name a few of the changes I have experienced.

I have lost a parent and friends and raised children with developmental, medical, and emotional disabilities. I train dogs for psychiatric services, including those scheduled for euthanization.

2020 ushered in many changes.

It was the last year of my graduate program. I lost my father, came home the day before lockdown from COVID-19, experienced fires, and moved.

It was a year that challenged every fiber of my being. I wanted to quit. Learning how to train my dog allowed me to know so much about myself and my mental health. Dogs are our mirrors of what’s happening internally. I pulled through and graduated on my father’s birthday.

All these life experiences have created a love for life that I share to comfort those I serve. Everyone has a story worth telling.

Here’s a little about me professionally.

I continue to study and train dogs as a part of my practice.

After working in customer service for most of my life, I decided to find my true calling – participating in mental health and dog training combined. Our animals are a mirror of us.

I have a minor in Psychology and a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling.