2542376189Constantly Triggered

Repeated thoughts and patterns keep surfacing, leaving you feeling triggered and out of control.

No matter how hard you try, the triggers just won’t go away. Your reactions take you by surprise, with frustration, anger, or anxiety often feeling out of proportion to the situation at hand.

You might find yourself thinking, “Wow, did I just do that?”

Your body remembers, even if you don’t want to

Sometimes trauma comes from big events – abuse, neglect, accidents, or witnessing life-threatening situations.

Other times, it stems from smaller, yet impactful moments like growing up without enough food; experiencing rejection; or facing unexpected illness, loss, or divorce.

Talking about it isn’t always enough. Memories and feelings remain trapped in your body, squirming and wiggling beyond your control.

Unprocessed trauma holds you hostage long after the event has passed, often without you realizing it.

A Different Approach

EMDR therapy – short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – is a method that releases trapped emotions and trauma stored in the body by utilizing the brain and body.

It may sound intimidating, but this process takes the emotional charge out of painful memories, enabling you to respond to them in a calmer, more grounded way.

EMDR creates a safe environment for you to address trauma without having to talk about it.

1389076670How It Works

Through repetitive back-and-forth eye movements, following an object, or holding vibrating paddles, your brain naturally reprocesses and integrates recalled memories.

As a result, the traumatic response dissipates, and your body and brain feel calmer.

You can practice creating and maintaining boundaries that foster confidence and security, even while revisiting challenging memories. The process is simple, effective, and empowering.

The Benefits of EMDR

Eliminate anxiety, negative self-talk, and other mood disorders.

Feel safe and rebuild trust in yourself and the world around you. Experience peace and a life without constant triggers.

Give me a call for a free 30-minute consultation, and take control of your life so you can start living the way you want.